having little to do this morning in the lull before enrollment, i suddenly recalled that i had uploaded a couple of new pics to my friendster account, to which i hadn't affixed captions yet. upon seeing my home page, i noticed that someone had bothered to write me a new testimonial. this information surprised me, frankly, since i have been of the opinion that friendster had already run its course.
out of curiosity, after accepting said testimonial, i decided to read through all of my old ones. it was an odd sadness realizing how much i'd changed since creating my profile. so many then-touching affirmations from people that i rarely get to see anymore, if at all. between friendships left to fade away, increasingly tasking responsibilities, and the inevitable nonchalance that has settled upon all of us, i can count on my digits how many people have remained friendly, how many memories still make me smile, or even how many words of praise are still applicable.
it's a disturbing thought, how we've all grown apart over the years. independence, laziness, distrust, re-evaluation, we all have our poison. it's both impractical and emotionally taxing to backtrack instead of burning bridges, so very few of us actually succeed in repairing broken relationships. most of us would rather make new friends than reunite with old ones. the same goes for old habits, hobbies, personality traits - given the new environment we've explored over the past two years, we've all contracted some form of shell shock.
see, even the genuine [i think] regret i feel for some of my own transgressions aren't enough to convince me to do anything about them. this entry i envisioned as some sort of warning but even as i type it, i see the overflowing drama. it's just too easy to let go of ideas that just aren't useful anymore, if you catch my drift.
last week, for instance, my drinking buddies and i agreed upon a get-together after ten years. i honestly wonder if i'll remember to go. now, it seems unthinkable that i'd not see them for more than a day or two, or chat them up if we run into each other online, but after graduation, who knows? a curt "
uy" or a buzz left unanswered might be that last attempt at communication before an awkward reunion at somebody's funeral.
absence makes the heart go wander. until recently, i found this pun terribly witty. now that i care less for wit, it's simply terrible.
so before i forget, and in case our paths don't cross again -
sige ingat.ΓΌ